Friday, October 18, 2013

Letting Go of the Western Journal

This guy is still hanging around. I made this a while back, and considered keeping it for myself, but decided I didn't want a graphic on my own journal.

A little about the book: the graphic is from a 40's children's book. The leather is salvaged. The pages are hand torn. Real head and tail bands, real English spine (a little book lesson: both of these you find in modern books in a store are solely cosmetic. If they are real, as in this case, they add to the structural integrity of the book). It's about 6" x 10".

Its $40. Let me know if you're interested.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Back in Business

I've been swamped with book work and real work. In the book world, several months ago, in another state, I traded a bunch of repair work for an antique, cast iron book press - the kind i learned on. Anyhow, I'm back to taking  orders so send me your Christmas gift ideas.

Sometime I'll tell you the story of the press and why it's so valuable.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Bookbinding Class Coming Up

Learn how to make a book for free, June 8th, 10:30-1:30 at the Martinsburg Public Library

I'll be teaching a very basic binding style that anyone can learn.  Everyone ages 10 and up are welcomed and materials will be provided. Hope to see you there.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Here are a 1940's and 1960's children's books converted into exposed spine journals. More to come.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

For a limited time, receive a free kitten with every book purchase of $25 or more

That's a bad joke... This photogenic kitten seems to be in every picture my wife has taken on my phone. I found her in an ally one day on a walk. Her name is Josie.

The book is a no glue, bare basics, rustic type. I've made a couple others like it since seeing the "Lincoln" movie. This one's flap is where the hide ended. Kind of a cool look with a mark from where the skin was stretched. Not for sale I'm afraid, (a Christmas gift for a friend). There will be more like it though, so keep a look out.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Old Books and Lincoln

The other night, my wife and I finally had a chance to see the new movie, Lincoln. We had been waiting for a couple of years after learning that it was being made. 

If you're ever thinking to yourself, "when the hell are these theaters going to show a movie worth watching?!", look up Daniel Day-Lewis on Wikipedia. It may be a while before his next film but the man has never been in a bad one. And his acting is phenomenal. 

More relevantly, the movie has a lot of great, old books in it. A bunch of those classic ones with the marbled paper covers and the leather spines and corners, and those all leather ones with the ties and buckles where they close. In just about every scene, they're in these dimly lit, smoky rooms with glasses of scotch, cigars, and these fantastic old journals. It's all very inspiring. Makes me want to grab my pipe and a beverage and make some of these books. I believe I will. If there is any interest, please be sure to let me know via

Friday, September 7, 2012